Wednesday 19 November 2014

Assessment - Grace's Design 2nd Practice (Group A) - MUA Charlotte Logue (Group B)

The process of filming yourself when practicing a makeup application is a really beneficial tool in the development stages of an assessment. It allows you to reflect not only on the work you produce in a particular time frame, but also you level of professionalism in completing that makeup look. For Grace's makeup design I felt it was important to film myself as it would allow me to improve my professionalism for the upcoming final assessment and from both reflection at the time of application and the video there were a number of points of improvement to consider. For the makeup practice here we wanted to see how the makeup would appear without the Kryolan shimmer foundation underneath the powder highlight as we had encountered a few difficulties with application. As you can see the choice to do this wasn't beneficial to the makeup design as it took away the dramatic intensity of the metallics, in future we will definitely return the use of the shimmer foundation as I feel it created a better base for the powder highlight.
In addition to this is the application of the lips which still needs improvement, the lips are an element that I struggle with quite a bit during a makeup process as what appears even to the human eye often isn't on camera. As you can see here the left facing side of the top lip is slightly taller than the right, this is something that would need to be corrected before I photographed the final makeup look as it makes the overall style appear unfinished. Despite the not so good application the final colour choices for the lips I feel are very suitable to the design, the whole lip is covered first with a pale pink/brown nude shade and then copper metallic is allowed to drip over the top to create a bleeding effect. This creates a subtle statement lip that harmonises nicely with the copper metallic on the neck of the model, this element was continued from the original design and works best with the extreme highlight down the centre of the face which draws attention to the copper elements.
Symmetry is essential to this whole design and it is extremely visible especially on the front facing image that the heart shape of the copper is not even at all. The centre point of the heart needs to sit in the centre of the chin but here is slightly to the facing left side, as a result the bow of the point is also higher causing the right side to sit lower. For the development towards the final design this is a factor that must be corrected as symmetry is crucial for creating a professional final makeup look.

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