Monday 17 November 2014

Bleaching My Eyebrows For Final Design

The process of bleaching my eyebrows was an interesting experience but I feel that once done it really benefitted my final makeup look as it added an authentic element to the image. The whole process took around 20 minutes and lifted my brows from a natural dark brown to a pale yellow blonde, I chose to leave them at this stage then go white because I didn't want to risk over processing them and effectively loosing my eyebrows which would mean being stuck for even longer without my natural brow hair. It was important to comb the bleach through the brows using a disposable mascara wand to ensure the roots were also covered otherwise the brows would have been patchy. Once the bleach had been left on my eyebrows for 20 minutes I washed it off with warm water being careful to avoid my eyes and then dried them off with a towel. Within the next 5 minutes they continued to get slightly lighter until they reached the shade seen within the following photograph. This was due to final development through exposure to the light.
What I found most interesting from bleaching my eyebrows was how much it limited my expression ability making frowning especially strange to witness. It made me appreciate just how important eyebrows are but also how strange the concept of no eyebrows being an Elizabethan beauty statement is. Something else that was interesting was peoples reaction to not having eyebrows, especially how angry it made people, it was almost like my inability to show an emotion with my face accurately and the strangeness of having no visible brows really aggravated people. The reason for this I'm not to sure of as I rather enjoyed it and would definitely do it again for the purpose of executing a makeup design to its full potential. 

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